10 Free Resources for Irish Genealogy Online - Arrow-shaped sign that reads Ireland in front of a lake and green mountains

10 Free Resources for Irish Genealogy Online

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Irish genealogy research is notorious for being difficult, if not downright impossible.

Truth be told, Irish genealogy research can definitely present a challenge. But never say “never” to a family historian. We don’t shy away from a challenge.

All the Records Weren’t Burned

While it is true that many valuable records were lost in the fire at the Public Records Office during the Irish Civil War in 1922, it is also true that many records survived.1Clare Santry, “‘All Irish genealogical records were destroyed in the 1922 fire’: Myth or fact?” Irish Genealogy Toolkit.

Many more records are being recreated from duplicates held in other archives and digitized to be made available online.2Ronan McGreevy, “Retrieval of Irish archive lost in 1922 fire ‘astounding’, historian says,” The Irish Times, 2019.

So don’t let the old “all the records are burned” myth deter you. Take a look at these websites for Irish genealogy research and see what you can find.

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Irish Genealogy Websites

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Wrap Up

Irish genealogy research can most definitely be a challenge. But family historians don’t mind a challenge. The more difficult the research, the greater the reward when we find something, right?

If you make an interesting find on any of these websites, I would love to hear about it! Please leave a note in the comments or send me a private message.

What are your favorite websites for Irish genealogy research? Let us know in the comments!

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  • 1
    Clare Santry, “‘All Irish genealogical records were destroyed in the 1922 fire’: Myth or fact?” Irish Genealogy Toolkit.
  • 2
    Ronan McGreevy, “Retrieval of Irish archive lost in 1922 fire ‘astounding’, historian says,” The Irish Times, 2019.

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