Six packages wrapped in white and gold, and silver and teal paper, with bronze, pink, and blue bows, under a Christmas tree.

The 6 Best Gifts for Family Historians (FREE Shopping Guide)

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Family historians can be difficult to understand at times. They collect what looks like old junk, they stop unexpectedly at cemeteries, and they drone on and on at family gatherings about this or that dead relative.

But family historians aren’t difficult to shop for… as long as you know what sort of gifts they like!

If you’re shopping for gifts for the family historians and the genealogists in your life – or if you want to help your family shop for YOU – I’ve got you covered with six of the BEST gifts for family historians!

About the Guide

Below, you’ll find a list of six of the best gifts for family historians and genealogists. All of these gifts can be purchased online. And all but one can be emailed directly to the recipient, making them great for last-minute shopping!

This year’s shopping guide is organized into the following categories:

  • WRITE family history stories with the best software for writers
  • DIGITIZE analog media to preserve and enjoy again
  • ORGANIZE genealogy data and digital files
  • LEARN to be a better researcher with genealogy education
  • SHARE memories with other family members
  • PROTECT digital files with automated backups

TLDR: Download the 2023 Gift Guide

To help with your busy holiday shopping, you can download a copy of my 2023 Gift Guide, Best Gifts for the Family Historian. All of the gifts are pictured and described, and there’s even a checklist so you can keep track of what you want to buy!

Just enter your name and email address below, and a copy of the Guide will be sent directly to your email inbox within minutes.

No time to read this post? You can also pin it for later!

The Best Gifts for Family Historians

These gifts are perfect for the genealogists in the family, as well as yourself. They're also great for last-minute shopping!

WATCH THIS SPACE: Holiday sales and discounts will be added as they go live!

RELATED:  The Importance of Involving Youth in Family History

Wrap Up (Pun intended)

Shopping for the genealogists in your family doesn’t have to be difficult. Grab a copy of our 2023 Gift Guide Best Gifts for the Family Historian for a list of six gifts that the genealogists in your life are sure to love!

Did you see something you’d like for yourself in the Gift Guide? Print a copy and leave it not-so-subtly lying around, or email it to family members who have no idea what to buy for you!

After all, no one needs another ugly sweater, right?

P.S. For more holiday deals on genealogy and family history-related products, please visit the Resources page.

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  1. I love all your suggestions. There’s something for everyone in several price ranges. All would be loved by genealogists.

  2. Great post! I have never used Scrivener or RootsMagic; both look really intersting and useful! I have never even heard of Backblaze Online Backup or Storyworth, and I would absolutely love a subscription to Legacy Family Tree Webinars! I had looked into Legacybox before, as I have many old home videos, concerts, parades, dance shows, etc all of my kids and wish I could afford it. This post covered everything from buying guide to different types of products all family historians would love! And, yes, I too have enough “ugly sweaters”! 😉

    1. I’m glad you found it useful, Diane! Nothing against ugly sweaters (I have a few, myself), but there are things we family historians would probably rather have. Happy holidays to you!

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