8 family history gifts you can make yourself 1

8 Easy Family History Gifts You Can Make Yourself

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I’m not particularly “crafty” or a talented DIYer, but I’ve always been fascinated by the creative ways in which people display and share their family history.

For several years now, I’ve kept a Pinterest board of “Family History Displayed” craft ideas to (try to) make whenever I have the time or inspiration. I went through the board a few days ago looking for ideas and picked out a few favorites, which are shared with you here.

RELATED:  The 6 Best Gifts for Family Historians (FREE Shopping Guide)

Family History Gifts You Can Make

So, these are a few of our favorite DIY family history gift ideas. Whether or not we actually make any of them remains to be seen, but we want to give them a try! 

What is YOUR favorite family history DIY gift idea?

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Wrap Up

Do you “pin?” If you do, I would love it if you’d follow me on Pinterest!

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  1. That memory pillow idea is lovely. Thanks for sharing! I usually just obsessively design antique style family trees for everybody. It’s nice to have more options!

    1. Marsha Glass says:

      After my mother passed away, I quilted a lap blanket for my father using my mother’s blue jeans. The back of it was made from red, white and blue flannel since my mom was very Patriotic. The most meaningful part was that I left a few pockets attached to the denim, pockets my mom had put her hands in, so my dad could feel the closeness of putting his hand where hers had been. It is a family artifact now?

  2. I especially like the penny/dates idea. Of course I have to sift through my penny jar but I might have everything I need already in the house! TY for some fun creative ideas.

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