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9 Must-Have Books About Genetic Genealogy

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Whether you’re an absolute beginner or an experienced genetic genealogist, there’s always something more to learn about using DNA in your family history research. If you’re looking to beef up your personal library with a few books about genetic genealogy, then I’ve got you covered!

The following are nine of the BEST books for learning about – or expanding your knowledge of – genetic genealogy. Each of these books is on my physical or virtual (Kindle) bookshelf, and I hope you find them to be as useful as I did for continuing your genealogy education!

9 Books About Genetic Genealogy

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Wrap Up

Any of these nine books will be a great addition to your genealogy library.

There are also a few older books that I’ve found to be interesting and informative. These were published in the early 2000s when genetic genealogy was shiny and new, but some of the information in them is still worthwhile.

I particularly enjoyed the Sykes book. He talks about the history and early days of genetic genealogy, as well as the Seven (at that time) Daughters, or types of mtDNA. For the record, I’m a Jasmine.

If you want to know what else is in my family history library, check out my list on LibraryThing. If you’re an LTer, add me to your list of friends!

Are there any books about genetic genealogy that you think should also be on this list? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. I have heard of some of these books from various presentations/webinars. Thanks so much for gathering them all together here!

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